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Legend (CoastKit/CHAErosion)

Victoria Consolidated CHA (0)
Very Low Very Low
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Erosion Vulnerability (2)
Very Low Very Low
Low Low
Moderate Moderate
High High
Very High Very High
Coastal Erosion Hazard Lines (5)
Present Day Present Day
2050 SLR (0.4m) 2050 SLR (0.4m)
2080 SLR (0.8m) 2080 SLR (0.8m)
2100 SLR (1.2m) 2100 SLR (1.2m)
Rocky Cliff Shoreline (7)
Water Course Entrance (8)
Potential Salient Loss (9)
Sea Level Rise (SLR) Erosion Hazard (11)
Hazard extent at 0.2 m SLR Hazard extent at 0.2 m SLR
Hazard extent at 0.5 m SLR Hazard extent at 0.5 m SLR
Hazard extent at 0.8 m SLR Hazard extent at 0.8 m SLR
Lake Shore Hazard (14)
Existing Erosion Susceptibility (15)
High High
Very High Very High
Predicted Erosion Susceptibility (16)
High High
Very High Very High
Coastal Hazard (17)
Existing Existing
0.2 m SLR 0.2 m SLR
0.4 m SLR 0.4 m SLR
0.8 m SLR 0.8 m SLR
Erosion Susceptibility (20)
Low Low
Moderate Moderate
High High
Risk Priority (21)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Coastline Erosion Sensitivity (23)
Low Low
Low to Moderate Low to Moderate
Moderate to Low Moderate to Low
Moderate Moderate
Moderate to High Moderate to High
High High
High to Very High High to Very High
Very High Very High
Hazards Inducing Change (24)
Engineering Engineering
Runoff Runoff
Sediment movement Sediment movement
Slope processes Slope processes
Storm wave action Storm wave action
Tidal motion Tidal motion
Vegetation growth Vegetation growth
Wave action Wave action
Wave action & sediment movement Wave action & sediment movement
Wave action & slope processes Wave action & slope processes
Wind action Wind action
Smartline Basic (26)
Dominantly artificial shores (erodibility unclassified but commonly low) Dominantly artificial shores (erodibility unclassified but commonly low)
Dominantly hard rock shores (low erodibility) Dominantly hard rock shores (low erodibility)
Dominantly soft rock shores (moderate erodibility) Dominantly soft rock shores (moderate erodibility)
Dominantly undifferentiated soft sediment shores (high erodibility) Dominantly undifferentiated soft sediment shores (high erodibility)
Dominantly sandy shores (very high erodibility) Dominantly sandy shores (very high erodibility)
Unclassified Unclassified
Compartments Sensitivity to Change (27)
1: Already accreting 1: Already accreting
2: Stable- likely to accrete in med. term 2: Stable- likely to accrete in med. term
3: Stable- likely late recession 3: Stable- likely late recession
4: Stable- likely to recede in med. term 4: Stable- likely to recede in med. term
5: Already receding 5: Already receding
Geomorphic Secondary Compartments (28)