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Legend (CoastKit/SECAP)

Coastal Places of Interest (0)
boating club boating club
camp ground camp ground
caravan park caravan park
historic site historic site
lifesaving club lifesaving club
lookout lookout
Coastal Action Plans (CAP) 1990-2018 (1)
Anglesea CAP Anglesea CAP
Boating CAP Boating CAP
Central Boating CAP Central Boating CAP
Central West Victoria Reginal CAP Central West Victoria Reginal CAP
Central West Victoria Estuaries CAP
Central West Victoria Estuaries CAP
Corio Bay CAP Corio Bay CAP
Gippsland Boating CAP Gippsland Boating CAP
Gippsland Estuaries CAP Gippsland Estuaries CAP
Gippsland Lakes CAP Gippsland Lakes CAP
Glenelg CAP Glenelg CAP
Integrated Coastal Planning for Gippsland CAP Integrated Coastal Planning for Gippsland CAP
Lorne CAP Lorne CAP
Mount Eliza to Point Nepean CAP Mount Eliza to Point Nepean CAP
Moyne CAP Moyne CAP
Skenes Creek to Marengo CAP Skenes Creek to Marengo CAP
South West Victoria Estuaries CAP
South West Victoria Estuaries CAP
South West Victoria Regional CAP South West Victoria Regional CAP
Warrnambool CAP Warrnambool CAP
Western Boating CAP Western Boating CAP
Other Coastal Plans 1997-2011 (2)
1803 Collins Settlement Future Directions Management Plan 1803 Collins Settlement Future Directions Management Plan
50 year Biodiversity and Land Management Strategy
50 year Biodiversity and Land Management Strategy
A Guide to the Management of Native Fish A Guide to the Management of Native Fish
Andersons Inlet Fisheries Reserve Management Plan Andersons Inlet Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
Anglesea Riverbank Master Plan
Anglesea Riverbank Master Plan
Apollo Bay Harbour Master Plan Apollo Bay Harbour Master Plan
Apollo Bay Structure Plan Apollo Bay Structure Plan
Apollo Bay Structure Plan - PSA Implementation Apollo Bay Structure Plan - PSA Implementation
Barwon Bluff Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Barwon Bluff Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Barwon Coast Coastal Management Plan 2006/07 to 2009/10 Barwon Coast Coastal Management Plan 2006/07 to 2009/10
Bayside Coastal Strategy Bayside Coastal Strategy
Bells Beach Master Plan Bells Beach Master Plan
Beware Reef Marine Sanctuary Management Plan Beware Reef Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Black Rock – Beaumaris Foreshore Master Plan
Black Rock – Beaumaris Foreshore Master Plan
Breamlea Foreshore Masterplan and Management Plan Update Breamlea Foreshore Masterplan and Management Plan Update
Buckley Park Coastal Management Plan Vegetation Strategy
Buckley Park Coastal Management Plan Vegetation Strategy
Bunurong Marine National Park Management Plan
Bunurong Marine National Park Management Plan
Cape Howe Marine National Park Management Plan Cape Howe Marine National Park Management Plan
Capel Sound Coastal Management Plan
Capel Sound Coastal Management Plan
Clifton Springs Coastal Management Plan Clifton Springs Coastal Management Plan
Coastal Hazards and Engineering Study (Coastal Spaces Funded via RDV)
Coastal Hazards and Engineering Study (Coastal Spaces Funded via RDV)
Colac Otway Shire Rural Living Study Colac Otway Shire Rural Living Study
Corangamite Fishery Management Plan Corangamite Fishery Management Plan
Corangamite Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Strategy Corangamite Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Strategy
Corangamite Native Vegetation Plan Corangamite Native Vegetation Plan
Corangamite Region Wetland Strategy Corangamite Region Wetland Strategy
Corangamite Regional River Health Strategy Corangamite Regional River Health Strategy
Corangamite Salinity Action Plan Corangamite Salinity Action Plan
Corangamite Soil Health Strategy Corangamite Soil Health Strategy
Corner Inlet Marine National Park Management Plan Corner Inlet Marine National Park Management Plan
Curdies River Estuary Management Plan Curdies River Estuary Management Plan
Discovery Bay Marine National Park Management Plan Discovery Bay Marine National Park Management Plan
East Gippsland Regional Catchment Strategy East Gippsland Regional Catchment Strategy
Eastern Port Phillip Bay Aquaculture Fisheries Management Plan
Eastern Port Phillip Bay Aquaculture Fisheries Management Plan
Environment and Land Management Plan
Environment and Land Management Plan
Environmental Sustainability Strategy Environmental Sustainability Strategy
Fitzroy Estuary Management Plan Fitzroy Estuary Management Plan
Flinders Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
Flinders Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
Flinders Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan Flinders Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan
Flinders Pier Master Plan
Flinders Pier Master Plan
Foreshore Management Plan Foreshore Management Plan
French Island National Park Management Plan French Island National Park Management Plan
Geelong Arm Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
Geelong Arm Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
Glenelg Environmental Strategy Glenelg Environmental Strategy
Glenelg Hopkins Fishery Management Plan Glenelg Hopkins Fishery Management Plan
Glenelg Hopkins River Health Strategy Glenelg Hopkins River Health Strategy
Glenelg River Estuary Management Plan Glenelg River Estuary Management Plan
Glenelg Strategic Futures Plan Glenelg Strategic Futures Plan
Great Ocean Road Region Landscape Assessment Study Great Ocean Road Region Landscape Assessment Study
Great Otway National Park and Otway Forest Park Management Plan
Great Otway National Park and Otway Forest Park Management Plan
Hopkins Point Road Structure Plan Hopkins Point Road Structure Plan
Hopkins River Estuary Management Plan Hopkins River Estuary Management Plan
Jawbone Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Jawbone Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Kennett River, Wye River & Separation Creek Structure Plans Kennett River, Wye River & Separation Creek Structure Plans
Kingston Coastal Management Plan Kingston Coastal Management Plan
Kooyang Sea Country Plan Kooyang Sea Country Plan
Lake Wellington Wetlands Management Plan
Lake Wellington Wetlands Management Plan
Loch Sport Crown Reserves Management Plan - Draft Loch Sport Crown Reserves Management Plan - Draft
Mallacoota Inlet Foreshore Management Plan Mallacoota Inlet Foreshore Management Plan
Marengo Reefs Marine Sanctuary Management Plan Marengo Reefs Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Marina Reserve Master Plan
Marina Reserve Master Plan
Merri Estuary Management Plan Merri Estuary Management Plan
Merri Marine Sanctuary Management Plan Merri Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Metung Foreshore Mangement Plan Metung Foreshore Mangement Plan
Mornington Peninsula National Park Management Plan
Mornington Peninsula National Park Management Plan
Mt Eliza Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan
Mt Eliza Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan
Mt Martha Foreshore Coastal Management Plan
Mt Martha Foreshore Coastal Management Plan
Mushroom Reef Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Mushroom Reef Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Newlands Arm Foreshore Management Plan
Newlands Arm Foreshore Management Plan
Ninety Mile Beach Marine National Park Management Plan Ninety Mile Beach Marine National Park Management Plan
Painkalac Creek Environmental Flow Determination Painkalac Creek Environmental Flow Determination
Pathway Strategy Pathway Strategy
Peterborough Urban Design Guidelines Peterborough Urban Design Guidelines
Pinnace Channel Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
Pinnace Channel Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
Point Addis Marine National Park, Point Danger Marine Sanctuary and Eagle Rock Marine Sanctuary Management Point Addis Marine National Park, Point Danger Marine Sanctuary and Eagle Rock Marine Sanctuary Management
Point Cook Coastal Park and Cheetham Wetlands Future directions Plan Point Cook Coastal Park and Cheetham Wetlands Future directions Plan
Point Henry Foreshore Management Plan
Point Henry Foreshore Management Plan
Point Hicks Marine National Park Management Plan
Point Hicks Marine National Park Management Plan
Point Lonsdale Structure Plan Point Lonsdale Structure Plan
Point Nepean National Park and Point Nepean Quarantine Station Management Plan
Point Nepean National Park and Point Nepean Quarantine Station Management Plan
Port Fairy East Beach Coastal Erosion Engineering & Feasibility Study Port Fairy East Beach Coastal Erosion Engineering & Feasibility Study
Port Philip and Western Port Fisheries Management Plan Port Philip and Western Port Fisheries Management Plan
Port Phillip (Western Shoreline) & Bellarine Peninsula Ramsar Site Strategic Management Plan Port Phillip (Western Shoreline) & Bellarine Peninsula Ramsar Site Strategic Management Plan
Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park Management Plan Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park Management Plan
Portarlington Safe Harbour Master Plan Portarlington Safe Harbour Master Plan
Portland Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan Portland Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
Portland Bay Coastal Infrastructure Plan
Portland Bay Coastal Infrastructure Plan
Portsea Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan Portsea Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan
Princetown Urban Design Framework Princetown Urban Design Framework
Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Rural Housing and Settlement Strategy Rural Housing and Settlement Strategy
Rye Foreshore Landscape Master Plan
Rye Foreshore Landscape Master Plan
Safety and Environment Management Plan for Port of Melbourne
Safety and Environment Management Plan for Port of Melbourne
Sandringham Foreshore Coastal Management Plan
Sandringham Foreshore Coastal Management Plan
Sandy Point Foreshore Management Plan Sandy Point Foreshore Management Plan
Seaford Life Saving Club Precinct Master Plan
Seaford Life Saving Club Precinct Master Plan
South Channel Fort Conservation Management Plan South Channel Fort Conservation Management Plan
South Warrnambool Flood Study South Warrnambool Flood Study
St Kilda Pier Conservation Management Plan
St Kilda Pier Conservation Management Plan
Sturgess Point Geotechnical Investigation Sturgess Point Geotechnical Investigation
Surry Estuary Management Plan Surry Estuary Management Plan
Surry River Flood Study Surry River Flood Study
Sustainability Strategy Sustainability Strategy
Sustainable Futures Plan Torquay – Jan Juc 2040 Sustainable Futures Plan Torquay – Jan Juc 2040
The Crags Management Plan The Crags Management Plan
Torquay Jan Juc Structure Plan Torquay Jan Juc Structure Plan
Torquay North Development Plan Torquay North Development Plan
Twelve Apostles Marine National Park and The Arches Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Twelve Apostles Marine National Park and The Arches Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Victorian Abalone Fishery Management Plan
Victorian Abalone Fishery Management Plan
Victorian Eel Fishery Management Plan Victorian Eel Fishery Management Plan
Victorian Giant Crab Fishery Management Plan
Victorian Giant Crab Fishery Management Plan
Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan
Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan
Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Management Plan Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Management Plan
Water Supply Demand Strategy 2007 - 2055 Water Supply Demand Strategy 2007 - 2055
Weed Control and Native Vegetation Action Plan
Weed Control and Native Vegetation Action Plan
West Gippsland Regional Catchment Strategy West Gippsland Regional Catchment Strategy
Western Port Marine National Parks Management Plan (Yaringa, French Island & Churchill Island)
Western Port Marine National Parks Management Plan (Yaringa, French Island & Churchill Island)
Western Port Ramsar Site Strategic Management Plan
Western Port Ramsar Site Strategic Management Plan
Whites Beach Master Plan Whites Beach Master Plan
Williamstown Foreshore Strategic Plan
Williamstown Foreshore Strategic Plan
Wilson’s Promontory Marine National Park Management Plan
Wilson’s Promontory Marine National Park Management Plan
Yambuk Lake Estuary Management Plan Yambuk Lake Estuary Management Plan
Additional Coastal Plans 2007-2010 (3)
Coastal Towns Design Framework
Coastal Towns Design Framework
Management Plan for Lang Lang Clay Banks Stabilisation
Management Plan for Lang Lang Clay Banks Stabilisation
Ninety Mile Beach Plan
Ninety Mile Beach Plan
South-West and Historic Maritime Archaeology Assessment Project
South-West and Historic Maritime Archaeology Assessment Project